Thursday 21 April 2016

Week 3 - Governance and Management Responsibility

Week 3 AYB115 
The COBIT 5 is a toolset that allows managers to bridge the gap between IT requirements, technical issues and business risks. In essence, COBIT is designed to ensure good control over information to meet requirements of its audiences (i.e. Stakeholders). If the business had minimised virus, adware and maleware protection in 2016, crucial information including trading secrets could be obtained which may allow fraud, bribery or corruption to occur.  (Ahmed, 2009).

From my previous experience, if my computer did not install its yearly antivirus software, this leads the information of my computer out to the open. With the current technology innovation, crucial information can be easily stolen without proper maleware protection. 

Principle 1 of COBIT requires the Enterprise to meet stakeholders needs (commercial or not). As such, if the information was stolen this could amount to a risk of bribery to the stakeholders. Such risk also applies to Priniciple 3 of applying a single integrated framework, if information of the enterprises framework, this could lead to a risk of bribery or corruption.

Importantly, according to principle 2 of COBIT provides that there should be covering of the enterprises end-to-end perspective. This includes everything and everyone, internal and external. 

Principle 4 of enabling a holistic approach supports the development of an integrated framework. Enablers are factors that collectively influence whether something will work. The information leaked could lead to bribery.

The leak of principle 5 could lead to risks of fraud, bribery and corruption.

Conclusively, I disagree with the above statement and that  information security should not be minimised regardless of exaggeration to ensure enterprise information is protected.

Reference List:
Ahmad, A. (2009). Exploring COBIT Processes for ITG in Saudi Organisations: An EmpiricalStudy. The International Journal of Digital Accounting Research, 9(1577-8517), 99-126. Retrieved from

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